Friday, February 12, 2010

Being an Animal

If someone calls you an animal, just remember the following:
I work like a horse
I eat like a pig
I like to play chicken
They call me a durty rat
You can get my goat
I can be as quiet as a mouse
They say I'm as quick as a cat
I used to be as strong as an ox
I don't like hen parties
Please don't badger me
People try to buffalo me
Some people thunk I'm a gone goose
I'm as ugly as a toad
You should see the puss on me
I'm as gentle as a lamb
And I'm as happy as a lark
I drink like a fish
I'm as proud as a peacock
And I'm as hairy as a gorilla
And there's a frog in my throat
I've got goose bumps all over
I've got the memory of an elephant
But I'm no sitting duck
I can be a lone wolf
But I'm having a whale of a time
O what animal we can be !!

just humor

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Humor when Drive

This is a humor about means of transportation.

Should I stop first ?
Learning to drive is not an easy task.
Sometimes, even the brightest students can become flustered behind the wheel.
One day, an instructor in driver education was coaching three beginners in the car.
Each student was scheduled to drive for 30 minutes.
When the first student had completed his time, the instructor asked him to change places with one of the others.
gripping the wheel tightly and staring straight ahead, the student asked in a shaky voice, "should I stop the car?"